You know I’m kinda sick of it. The pain. The hurt. The sorrow. The world is changing, so they say, but what do I have to do with it? Where will I ever come into the picture? Don’t give me that “ Oh everyone matters” Crap! Because I don’t matter. The question is does anyone. Sure maybe, Einstein or some world-changing soul, but I’m not either. I’m just a kid. No one listens ‘cos my body’s going through changes, hormones and crap they tell me. I think it is because they’re scared we’re right, and we aren’t them. But the thing is it’s always the same for me. Wake up, shower, get ready, eat, go to school, eat, sleep, repeat. Where’s the world changing in that? What do I have to lose? What does anyone have to lose? Romance maybe, but I’ve been told I’ll never find anyone. No one will miss me. Maybe for a month, but they will forget about me. The world will keep going. The End.
- Sarah